In a rather unique manner, our entire bachelor's year was devoted to the theme of housing within the same plot of land - a gardening colony located in the Czech city of Brno, chosen by our instructors as a canvas for potential residential development. Each student chose a different approach, while being free to choose a imaginary investor or a group of clients.
My personal objective was to put forth a proposition for affordable and budget-friendly urban housing. I aimed to explore the possibilities and to develop an economic outlook with ratios of specific land prices and current material prices.
The design of several dozen units of micro-housing each designed with the potential for three to four levels of expansion for potential clients - a theoretical scenario for single individuals, young families, and seniors. A rational grid of spaced units creates maximum common areas in between, rentable gardens, parking bays at the edge. The proposal I presented envisioned a fictitious scenario wherein sub-units could evolve in response to the evolving life situations of the respective clients.
Faculty of Architecture Brno, Czech republic
tutors Jan Mlecka & Nicol Gale